This is the most random collection of thoughts ever. That is all.
Yesterday I planted pretty flowers! I long SO badly to have a full garden! I will, however, be growing some container veggies this year - that way if/when I move they can move, too. More to come on that.
School is exhausting. It takes so much time, and I honestly wonder every day why I didn't finish when I was 20. I would shake my 20-year old self violently and tell her to get it together.
I'm having a love affair with ranunculus, peonies, and daisies.
I've eaten asparagus the last seven days. It's one of my favorite veggies ever.
I want to move away. Like, away away.
I found this quote on Pinterest that I love - "Don't tell me what was said about me. Tell me why they were so comfortable to say it to you." Don't be on either side of that equation. Gossip sucks.
I've recently learned to appreciate the stillness of night. For a long time, I was scared of it. Now, I spend many evenings sitting on my porch in the dark, stargazing.
I'm currently reading three books. At the same time.
My cat is out of control needy. Like, out.of.control.
I did something really difficult and life-changing a week and a half ago. I can't stop thinking about it.
I just watched the episode of Walking Dead with Carol and the two girls (I know, I am way late to this party). I cannot even process the craziness that ensued. "Just look at the flowers" will never be the same.
At the moment, I have quite a bit of crazy suppressed that wants to show itself...keeping my mouth shut has been an accomplishment lately.
I bought tickets to see an awesome band, NeedToBreathe, in September! Not sure who I'm going with yet, but I'm super excited!
I love, love, love the song Sailing Away. I heard it attached to a random YouTube video, and I immediately downloaded it to my playlist. So relaxing and fantastic.
There you have it. A glimpse into my head for the week.