Sunday, June 21, 2015

Going With the Flow...

As a "professional" planner, it's sometimes difficult for me to enjoy the ride of spontaneity. I've written numerous times about how that's been one of my greatest challenges the last year and a half - throwing away all of my plans and just leaping into the unknown, and hoping things fall into place. I still have a tendency to try and plan my next five, ten years out, but every time my mind starts to wander I remind myself to stop, and just sit still for awhile. 

This weekend, a new realization hit. I am ridiculously, stupid happy. Like, really, really happy. I have no idea what the next month looks like. No idea what the next year looks like. And for the first time, in a very long time, it's okay to not know what will happen. Sure, there are some things I would change, but isn't that just life? There are always things to change. But this place of simply enjoying where I'm at? It's my new favorite. 

I'm just going to bask in the blissful glow of my life right now, exactly as it is, and be...happy.

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