Saturday, August 2, 2014

Saturday Randomness

Tonight I had dinner and dessert with some friends, and this Greek salad happened. YUM! So much fun!

I've been working on a preso this week. I noticed as I was rereading it for the 47th time today that I typed, "excellent oral skills". It seems to me that choice of words may be frowned upon. I mean, I'm no expert though.

This week I've been a bit...unsettled, maybe? There is a lot going on, at home and at work, and my inability to control any of it is driving this control freak crazy. I've been having dreams about people from work!

I have exceeded my 1-2 Christmas song maximum for the summer. I listened to 3 songs today, in addition to what I listened to on my way home from Louisville. I've vowed I won't listen to anymore until at least mid-October, sooo... we will see how that goes.

I had a house showing today and left a bra hanging on the back of my closet door. I didn't see it until I opened the door tonight to pull out my hamper. So now, some nice family knows what my undergarments look like. At least it was a cute lacy one, right?

I want to go swimming. At night. In a pool. ASAP.

If I ever say I want to get bangs, please remind me that I'll spend the next six months trying to figure out ways to get them off my face. Also, remind me when that happens that I always forget how much I adore 70s feathered back hair.

I love when I'm on the interstate and all of the drivers band together to not let the jerk in that tried to go to the front of the line. I want to high five them all.

This. This x1000.

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